Change product key in windows server 2012 or windows 8

Every time when I install Windows 2012 Server of Windows 8 I have to look up the command’s to active Windows. This is annoying, so I write up the solutions.

There are 3 methods.

1. Use slmgr

  • Open an elevated command prompt and type the following commands:
  • slmgr -upk
    This will remove the key first
  • slmgr -ipk xyzyx-xyzyx-xyzyx-xyzyx-xyzyx
    This will add your key. Of course replace the xyzyx-xyzyx with your own real key.
  • Activate Windows (you will probably have popups already during this process)

2. Use slui.exe

  • Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search. Or, if you are using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search.
  • In the search box, type Slui.exe 0x3.
  • Tap or click the Slui.exe 0x3 icon.
  • Type your product key in the Windows Activation window, and then click Activate.

3. You can also use the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) 3.0 to change the product key remotely, or if you want to change the product key on multiple computers.

The last two methods I found referenced in this KB: (and the first one is to be found there as well in a way).

Installation runs everytime we start Outlook 2013 application in Terminal services

I was installing a Windows 2008R2 Remote Desktop Services Host with Microsoft Office 2013 when I ran into a strange thing. Every time I started Outlook 2013 there was a installation screen, “installing Microsoft Office 64-bit Components 2013”. This screen appears for a few second and the Outlook started. This is very annoying! The application was working normally.

I found the solution at the Microsoft Forums, here.

What to do to solve this annoying screen.

Install Windows Search Services under the File Services role. Do not add any disk drive for indexing. Put the RDS server in install mode, start Outlook 2013. Now the installation screen is gone. Put the RDS server in Execution mode and the problem is solved.

Solving the Invalid configuration for device ‘0’ error

Today I noticed something strange in our brand new VMware vSphere 5.1 environment. I was trying to patch a Windows 2012 template when I noticed it didn’t have a network connection. This VM is using a Distributed Switch Configuration.

So I checked the VM settings, and indeed it wasn’t connected.

So I checked the Connected box, and the following error appears. Invalid configuration for device ‘0’. See screenshot.

The solution for this error is simple. Connect the network card to another network. Than place it back to the original network. Now it works again.
For more information about this error see the following articles:

Veeam backup file is not getting smaller when removing a VM from backup.

I ran in to a problem with the VBK file size of a Veeam backup Job (running Veeam B&R 6.5). It didn’t fit on tape anymore. So I split up the Job into two different Jobs. One with important VMs and one with less important VMs. The important VM backup job goes to tape, and the other one stays on disk.

But after I deleted the VMs from the Job my VBK file size didn’t get any smaller. It was only growing. That was not what I expected.
So I contacted Veeam support and they pointed me into the right direction. See

There is a Delete VMs date retention period. Default its configured at 14 days. See explanation and screenshot below.

In the VM retention section, specify the number of days to keep backup data for deleted VMs.  When a backup job starts, Veeam Backup & Replication checks the list of VMs included in the job. If a VM is no longer available (for example, it was deleted or moved to another location), Veeam Backup & Replication will keep its data in the backup for the period you specify in the Deleted VMs data retention period field. When this retention period is over, data of the deleted VM will be removed from backup files.

The retention period for deleted VMs is particularly useful if the job is configured to create synthetic full backups, and you want to make sure that the full backup does not include redundant data.
This was an option that I didn’t know it existed. So I changed this to 3 days, and indeed the backup job shirked. Problem solved, the Veeam job fits on tape again.

** Edit 14-02-2014, updated Veeam link to the new location. Thanks Cor for pointing that out.

VCAP5-DCA Objective 3.4 – Utilize Advanced vSphere Performance Monitoring Tools


  • Identify hot keys and fields used with resxtop/esxtop
  • Identify fields used with vscsiStats

Skills and Abilities

  • Configure esxtop/resxtop custom profiles
  • Determine use cases for and apply esxtop/resxtop Interactive, Batch and Replay modes
  • Use vscsiStats to gather storage performance data
  • Use esxtop/resxtop to collect performance data
  • Given esxtop/resxtop output, identify relative performance data for capacity planning purposes

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VCAP5-DCA Objective 3.3 – Implement and Maintain Complex DRS Solutions


  • Explain DRS / storage DRS affinity and anti-affinity rules
  • Identify required hardware components to support DPM
  • Identify EVC requirements, baselines and components
  • Understand the DRS / storage DRS migration algorithms, the Load Imbalance Metrics, and their impact on migration recommendations

Skills and Abilities

  • Properly configure BIOS and management settings to support DPM
  • Test DPM to verify proper configuration
  • Configure appropriate DPM Threshold to meet business requirements
  • Configure EVC using appropriate baseline
  • Change the EVC mode on an existing DRS cluster
  • Create DRS and DPM alarms
  • Configure applicable power management settings for ESXi hosts
  • Properly size virtual machines and clusters for optimal DRS efficiency
  • Properly apply virtual machine automation levels based upon application requirements
  • Create and administer ESXi host and Datastore Clusters
  • Administer DRS / Storage DRS
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VCAP5-DCA Objective 3.2 – Optimize Virtual Machine Resources


  • Compare and contrast virtual and physical hardware resources
  • Identify VMware memory management techniques
  • Identify VMware CPU load balancing techniques
  • Identify pre-requisites for Hot Add features

Skills and Abilities

  • Tune Virtual Machine memory configurations
  • Tune Virtual Machine networking configurations
  • Tune Virtual Machine CPU configurations
  • Tune Virtual Machine storage configurations
  • Calculate available resources
  • Properly size a Virtual Machine based on application workload
  • Modify large memory page settings
  • Understand appropriate use cases for CPU affinity
  • Configure alternate virtual machine swap locations
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VCAP5-DCA Objective 3.1 – Tune and Optimize vSphere Performance


  • Identify appropriate BIOS and firmware setting requirements for optimal ESXi host performance
  • Identify appropriate driver revisions required for optimal ESXi host performance

Skills and Abilities

  • Tune ESXi host memory configuration
  • Tune ESXi host networking configuration
  • Tune ESXi host CPU configuration
  • Tune ESXi host storage configuration
  • Configure and apply advanced ESXi host attributes
  • Configure and apply advanced Virtual Machine attributes
  • Configure advanced cluster attributes

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Adding and removing the GUI in Windows Server 2012

In Windows Server 2008 R2 you could select whether you wanted to run Standard (GUI) or Core version of Windows Server. In Windows Server 2012 the GUI is a feature which you can add or remove.

To remove the GUI you use the following Powershell one-liner:

Remove-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra

You can also uninstall the GUI, which removes the binary files from the disk. To completely uninstall the GUI you use the following Powershell one-liner:

Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra

If you realize you are in over your head you can add it back in using:

Add-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell

… or:

Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell –Restart –Source c:\mountdir\windows\winsxs

You can also do all of this using Dism:

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:ServerCore-FullServer /featurename:Server-Gui-Shell /featurename:Server-Gui-Mgmt