I am proud to announce my first blog sponsor, Veeam! I am using the Veeam Backup & Replication application at my home lab, company network and all of my customer sites. The software is simply awesome. It does what...

VCP5 Study Notes

These are my study notes for the VCP5 exam I am going to take in January 2012. I am already a VCP4 so I will take upgrade path, this path is only available until February 29 2012. How to...
Microsoft have created a video series about best practices in outlook. These tips might be handy sometime. Harry was fine using Outlook for email and meeting reminders. But new responsibilities in his job began to overwhelm his schedule and...
Eric Siebert created a list of links about all the VMware vSphere 5 content he could find. See vSphere-Land for the complete list. I’ve selected a few that are important to me or are worth reading. What’s New Whitepapers What’s New in VMware...