HP MSA2324SA Firmware update loop

This week I was working on a project with an HP MSA 2324 SA storage box. After unboxing it and checking the software I discovered that the Firmware was a bit old, so I checked the HP site for updates and yes there was a newer version for it. I downloaded the new firmware and I installed the firmware with the HP Storage Management Utility. Controller Module A is flashed correctly. The Controller Module A starts updating Controller Module B, this is an automated process. After a couple of minutes the firmware update was complete, see screen shot. 

At first sight it looks good, but suddenly my explorer shows the following screen.

And this loops, Controller Module A sees that Controller Module B has an older Management Controller Code version. That’s why Controller Module A starts the update process for Controller Module B. The Flash process on Controller Module B goes bad so it looks.

How to resolve this problem?

  • Start an console sesion to Controller Module B.
  • type the following command to disable the partner update function
# set advanced-settings partner-firmware-upgrade disabled
  • then type the following command to enable ftp access to manualy flash controller module B.
# set protocols ftp enabled
  • then start an command prompt on your windows computer type the following command to open an ftp connection to the Controller Module B.
  • enter the correct credentials to logon to the controller module B.
  • After some instructions about how to update type the following command. where firmwarefile the file name of the firmware is.
ftp> put firmwarefile flash:force
  • After a few minutes the flash updates is done. to check if both Controller Modules have the same firmware type in de console sesion the command
# show versions
  •  if everything is the same you can enable the partner update function again and disable ftp access this can be done by the following commands.
# set advanced-settings partner-firmware-upgrade enabled
# set protocols ftp disabled

If you go to the firmware section you see that every version is now the same. If not try to manualy flash also Controller Module A.

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