Installing HP Insight Management Agents on ESX Server
In this case, I am using HP Insight Management Agents for VMware 8.2.5 (available here). I am also using a HP DL380 G6 Proliant servers with VMware versions 4.0.
Note: do not include the quotes (”) when entering commands.
- Download the correct Insight Manager agents for VMware.
- Unzip the tgz file using WinRAR or something similar, and peruse the readme for up-to-date info.
- Using the ILO utility or the physical console, hit Alt-F1, login as root at the command line.
- To allow root ssh access in ESX as well as enable sshd client access (SFTP, SSH), we have to change the local sshd_config file.
- At the command line, type: “vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config”
- Go to the line that says PermitRootLogin, change from “no” to “yes”
- If you are unfamiliar with vi, use arrow keys to navigate, put cursor on the “n” of “no”, hit the i key to insert, then type in “yes” and delete/backspace “no”. Then hit ESC twice to exit Insert mode. Type colon (:) to get the in-editor command line, type “wq!” and hit enter. This will save the doc and exit vi.
- Back at the command line type: “service sshd restart”, hit enter.
- After the service restarts, type “logout” to exit the console, hit alt-f11 to go back to the esx screen.
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