Tag Archives: ESX

Installing HP Insight Management Agents on VMWare ESX 4 server

Installing HP Insight Management Agents on ESX Server

In this case, I am using HP Insight Management Agents for VMware 8.2.5 (available here). I am also using a HP DL380 G6 Proliant servers with VMware versions 4.0.

Note: do not include the quotes (”) when entering commands.


  1. Download the correct Insight Manager agents for VMware.
  2. Unzip the tgz file using WinRAR or something similar, and peruse the readme for up-to-date info.
  3. Using the ILO utility or the physical console, hit Alt-F1, login as root at the command line.
  4. To allow root ssh access in ESX as well as enable sshd client access (SFTP, SSH), we have to change the local sshd_config file.
  5. At the command line, type: “vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config”
  6. Go to the line that says PermitRootLogin, change from “no” to “yes”
  7. If you are unfamiliar with vi, use arrow keys to navigate, put cursor on the “n” of “no”, hit the i key to insert, then type in “yes” and delete/backspace “no”. Then hit ESC twice to exit Insert mode. Type colon (:) to get the in-editor command line, type “wq!” and hit enter. This will save the doc and exit vi.
  8. Back at the command line type: “service sshd restart”, hit enter.
  9. After the service restarts, type “logout” to exit the console, hit alt-f11 to go back to the esx screen.

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