Exchange 2010 error solved : The WS-Management service cannot process the request.

When you try to open the Exchange 2010 Management Console, you may receive an error:

The attempt to connect to http://exchangeserver.domain.local/Powershell user ‘Kerberos’ authentication failed: Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message: The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The system load quota of 1000 requests per 2 seconds has been exceeded. Send future requests at a slower rate or raise the quota for this user. The next request from this user will not be approved for at least X milliseconds.

See screenshot below.

There is a very quick and easy fix for this error message.

Open an elevated command prompt and type:


Now try opening the Exchange 2010 Management Console again, it should be working again. 

Problem solved!

Unable to logon VMware vCenter Appliance with Root

A couple of weeks ago the VMware vCenter 5.5.0b update was released. Time to upgrade my home lab vCenter Server Appliance from version 5.5.0a to version 5.5.0b. I am using the appliance so this should be easy.

When I was trying to login to the management environment with my root account I was getting errors. Unable to authenticate.

Also when I connected with SSH to the Appliance I’m getting error messages that my password is not correct.

I know for sure that this password is the correct one. I opened a console screen from the vSphere Webclient and that one is also giving me the error.

Also the VMware vSphere Web Client is giving an error.

I am unable to logon with the root account of the appliance.

Ok.. This is a problem. I remembered reading a blog post of William Lam about a problem with the expiration date of the Root Password. So I started searching the VirtualGhetto blog site, and found the article. See

So I followed the steps described in Williams article.

  1. Boot up vCenter Server using a current Linux live CD. I am using a Ubuntu ISO that I had.
  2. Mount the VMware vCenter Server Appliance root partition. This should be /dev/sda3
  3. Edit the /etc/shadow file with your favorite editor. Advice make a copy of the shadow file before editing it.
  4. When the root password is expired there should be an x in front of the password string. This was the case

  5. Remove the x in front of the password string and save the shadow file.
  6. Reboot the VCSA. If everything went well you are able to logon with the root account.

I was able to logon into the appliance again, but to prevent future problems with the password expiration I disabled the expiration in the management page of the VCSA. Because this is my home lab this is ok.

In production environments this is not advisable

Lessons learned:

  • Configure a SMTP server and an alert email account so you will be notified when the password is going to be expired.
  • Or in a home lab environment, disable the expiration date of the root password.

More information:

How to stop your Veeam backup job when it is stuck

A couple of weeks ago I ran into an issue that one of my Veeam backup jobs was stuck in a stopping state. After waiting for a long time I started searching for a solution to kill this backup job.

I found a KB article at the Veeam Knowledgebase that is worth mentioning. This is KB1727 “How to forcibly stop jobs that are stuck in ‘stopping’ status”


The problem may occur because a process or task that the job is waiting for has not been completed. Such a task can be snapshot removal. Therefore, as the first step it is recommended to check the vSphere Client to see if there is a snapshot removal process pending/working on the vSphere side.

Make sure no important jobs/restores are running because the following steps will force them to stop:

  1. Close the Veeam Backup & Replication console, and open services.msc on the Veeam Backup server,
  2. Stop the Veeam Backup Service.
  3. Open the Task Manager and kill all Veeam.Backup.Manager and VeeamAgent.exe processes.
  4. Restart the Veeam Backup Service to release file locks held by either SQL or the OS.
  5. Remove snapshots from VMs (if they have not been already removed).

Note. If you use the Virtual Appliance (HOTADD) mode, before removing the snapshots make sure there are no stuck disks on the Veeam Backup server or one of the backup proxies. Otherwise, the snapshots can be orphaned.


Nice to know…

Veeam Backup & Replication 7.0 R2 update


Last week Veeam released there long awaited update to fix the support for VMware vSphere 5.5 and Windows 2012R2.

New Features


  • vSphere 5.5 support, including support for 62TB virtual disks and virtual hardware v10 virtual machines.
  • vCloud Director 5.5 support.
  • Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 as guest virtual machines (VMs).
  • Added ability to limit maximum amount of active VM snapshots per datastore to prevent it from being overfilled with snapshot deltas. The default value of 4 active snapshots can be controlled with MaxSnapshotsPerDatastore (REG_DWORD) registry key.


  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V and free Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 support, including support for Generation 2 virtual machines.
  • System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) support.
  • Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 as guest virtual machines (VMs).
  • Support for the installation of Veeam Backup & Replication and its components on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1.

Built-in WAN acceleration

  • Increased data processing performance up to 50% with hard drive based cache, and up to 3 times with SSD based cache. Multi-core CPU on source WAN accelerator is recommended to take full advantage of the enhanced data processing engine.


  • Added ability for source and target proxy servers to reconnect and resume replication when network connection between source and target site drops for a short period of time.


  • Added support for a number of enterprise-class tape libraries with partitioning functionality that allows presenting multiple tape library partitions to the same host.
  • Import/export slot interaction has been redesigned to add support for a number of IBM and Oracle tape libraries.

Application-aware processing 

  • Added ability for application-aware processing logic to detect passive Microsoft Exchange DAG database present on the VM, and process it accordingly.
  • Added support for Exchange CCR clusters.

User interface 

  • User interface should now remember size and positions off the main window, as well as all panels and columns.

Resolved Issues


  • Importing backup fails with the “Failed to load backup meta from file. Unexpected end of file has occurred” if VBM file size exceeds 10MB.
  • Deleted VM retention incorrectly applies to not deleted VMs when full backup transform duration exceeds the deleted VM retention period (14 days by default).
  • Removed unintentional compression (and further uncompression) of data transferred between source and target data movers when both are running on the same server, and compression is disabled in the job settings.


  • Replication jobs should now automatically handle the situations when source VM disk size changes, instead of failing with the “Declared and actual sizes of the disk are different” error.
  • Replication jobs using Windows 2003 hot add source proxy fails with the “Client error: Failed to send command” error.
  • Very long running replication jobs may fail with the “Failed to process [srcSaveSignature]” error.
  • Re-IP addressing process may unintentionally update some reparse points found in the guest file system, which under certain circumstances may make them unusable.
  • vCenter Server version is not updated after vCenter update on the vSphere Web Plug-in configuration page of Enterprise Manager web UI.
  • vSphere Web Client plug-in shows “Access denied” error for all users that have never logged into Enterprise Manager.
  • Added ability to configure timeouts for networkless (VIX) operations via vixOperationTimeoutSec (REG_DWORD) and vixExecutionTimeoutSec (REG_DWORD) registry values in seconds.
  • Added ability to configure timeouts for Instant VM Recovery operations via IrMountLeaseTimeOut (REG_DWORD) and IrVcdMountLeaseTimeOut (REG_DWORD) registry values in minutes. The new, increased defaults are 30 and 45 minutes respectively.


  • Under certain scenarios of dynamic VHD virtual disk size increase, changed block tracking information can be reset, resulting in incremental job run having to read the entire VHD to determine the incremental changes.
  • Performing compact operation on VHD virtual disk can reset changed block tracking information.
  • Instant VM Recovery fails with the “Connection with Hyper-V mount agent was lost” error for VMs with dynamic VHD disk size not being a multiple of 256MB.
  • Failure to rescan any host makes rescan of the remaining cluster hosts to fail with the following error: “Failed to execute WMI Query
  • Instant VM Recovery fails with the “Failed to prepare VHD file for mounting” when target Hyper-V host’s storage uses native 4KB sector size disks.
  • Application-aware processing of Windows Server 2012 VM running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V may hang for 10 minutes.
  • Removed the single VSS snapshot per cluster limit. As the results, all jobs should now correctly use the max concurrent snapshot per volume setting.
  • Replication job may fail during the free disk space check with the “Failed to extract volume mount point by the specified path” error, depending on how destination folder was selected in the replication job wizard.
  • Veeam jobs may cause non-VM owner Hyper-V nodes to log the following events to the system event log: “(eventid = 8194): “Unexpected error querying for the IVssWriterCallback interface. hr = 0x80070005, Access is denied
  • Changed block tracking functionality does not function on cluster disks.

Application-aware processing 

  • Exchange 2003 running in VM restored from Veeam backup may rename its mailbox databases after each subsequent reboot.

Backup Copy 

  • Retry cycles cause incorrect processing duration shown in the Backup Copy job report.
  • Backup Copy job reports show the inflated traffic savings ratios due to being calculated off the incorrect parameter.
  • Certain Backup Copy jobs failures result in Backup Copy job report not send immediately, but rather at the end of the copy interval.
  • A number of additional enhancements to the Backup Copy job report.

File level recovery 

  • Copy To fails on files with long paths with the following error: “The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248
  • Mount cache files should now be cleaned up from %AppData% folder automatically.

Guest indexing 

  • Guest file system catalog data processing performance was accelerated a few times in cases when the catalog contains very large amount of restore points.
  • Catalog service may take a very long time to start when there is a large data upload queue present.

1-Click VM Restore 

  • File restore operator scope settings should no longer affect ability to perform VM restore in certain scenarios with overlapping permissions.

Built-in WAN Acceleration 

  • Backup Copy job fails with the “Unable to initialize remote target session connection: all aliases have failed” after source VM disk has been resized.
  • Large Backup Copy jobs may fail with the “ERR |Invalid length of the binary data” error.
  • WAN accelerator resource is not released correctly if Backup Copy job did not copy any data during the copy interval, preventing the following copy intervals from obtaining access to WAN accelerators.
  • Under certain circumstances, the Backup Copy job health check may fail with the “Access is denied” error.

Backup from Storage Snapshots 

  • Added ability to perform multiple VM snapshot removal concurrently (according to the global concurrency setting) when multiple VMs are backed up from the same LUN by the same job.
  • HP StoreServ (3PAR) integrated jobs may fail with the “Invalid input: string length exceeds limit” error depending on the snapshot name length.


  • Drive to library matching code does not process some symbols in the serial numbers, resulting in matching problems with certain tape libraries (for example, QUADStor VTL).
  • Added ability to disable tape device rescan completely with the DisableTapeSubsystem (REG_DWORD) registry key. This can help in situations when the same tape devices is shared between multiple backup solutions.
  • In some cases, stopping tape jobs can cause backup session not finalized correctly, resulting in future attempts to write to the same tape failing with the “Tape positioning” error.
  • The Do not protect data (cyclic overwrite tapes as required) option does not work correctly for standalone drives.
  • Tapes with multiple partitions cannot be correctly formatted.
  • Tape jobs fail with the “Tape changer alert: The library was unable to read the bar code on a cartridge” error upon receiving the corresponding alert from the tape library.
  • Certain tape device configurations cause “There is no media in the drive” error to be logged incorrectly when the media is in fact present in the drive.
  • Under rare circumstances, writing to the first tape in the media set may fail with the following error: “The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint “FK_Tape.file_parts_file_versions”

File Copy 

  • Linux symbolic links are not copied by file management operations and file copy jobs.


  • SureBackup job may incorrectly use vCloud Director virtual machine backup when Application Group is configured by adding VM from vSphere infrastructure.
  • SureBackup does not update port group correctly when both production and virtual lab networks are located on the same Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS).

Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange 

  • Launching Veeam Explorer for Exchange from Backup Browser may fail with the following error: “Error: JetError -546, JET_errLogSectorSizeMismatch, the log file sector size does not match the current volume’s sector size

Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SharePoint

  • Using localized SQL server for staging fails with the “File is a Directory” error.
  • Attachments lost during recovery when attachment path contains Unicode symbols, even though they can be seen in the user interface.

Known Issues


  • Network traffic verification does not function when the Use multiple upload streams per job option is disabled.

vSphere 5.5 

  • E1000E vNIC adaptors has been found to crash ESXi host under heavy load. Avoid using them until the patch is available from VMware. For more information, please refer to VMware KB2059053.
  • Virtual appliance (hot add) processing mode does not support SATA disks. This is by design of VMware hot add functionality, which requires SCSI adaptors.
  • vSAN beta is not supported.

Hyper-V 2012 R2 

  • Offhost backup from deduplicated volume fails if Data Deduplication feature is disabled on backup proxy server, or incompatible with Windows Server deduplication version used on backed up volume.
  • Shared VHDX virtual disks backup is not supported.

Windows Server 2012 R2 

  • In Windows Server 2012 R2 environments with Windows Server deduplication feature in use, be sure to install Veeam Backup & Replication on Windows Server 2012 R2, and enable Data Deduplication feature. Windows Server 2012 deduplication driver is not compatible with Windows Server 2012 R2 deduplication, causing file level recovery errors with false data corruption reports.

R2 update is available for download starting November 13, 2013 (KB1831)

This update is cumulative and includes all fixes from Patch #1 below.

VCAP5-DCA Objective 6.5 – Troubleshoot vCenter Server and ESXi Host Management


  • Identify CLI commands and tools used to troubleshoot management issues

Skills and Abilities

  • Troubleshoot vCenter Server service and database connection issues
  • Troubleshoot the ESXi firewall
  • Troubleshoot ESXi host management and connectivity issues
  • Determine the root cause of a vSphere management or connectivity issue
  • Utilize Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) and ESXi Shell to troubleshoot, configure, and monitor an environment

Continue reading

VCAP5-DCA Objective 6.4 – Troubleshoot Storage Performance and Connectivity


  • Identify logs used to troubleshoot storage issues
  • Describe the attributes of the VMFS-5 file system

Skills and Abilities

  • Use esxcli to troubleshoot multipathing and PSA-related issues
  • Use esxcli to troubleshoot VMkernel storage module configurations
  • Use esxcli to troubleshoot iSCSI related issues
  • Troubleshoot NFS mounting and permission issues
  • Use esxtop/resxtop and vscsiStats to identify storage performance issues
  • Configure and troubleshoot VMFS datastores using vmkfstools
  • Troubleshoot snapshot and re-signaturing issues
  • Analyze log files to identify storage and multipathing problems

Continue reading

Veeam released Patch 1 for Veeam Backup & Replication v7.

Veeam has released Patch 1 for Veeam Backup & Replication v7.

Mind this is NOT a patch to make Version 7 compatible with VMware vSphere 5.5! vSphere 5.5 is not yet supported by Veeam Backup & Replication v7.

For more information see Veeam KB1823.

So what is fixed in this patch.


  • Under certain circumstances, backup to CIFS target may fail with the following errors: “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process”, “Failed to create or open file \\server\share\file.vbk“.
  • In reversed incremental backup mode, retrying previously failed backup of newly added virtual disk makes the created, and the following restore points for this virtual disk invalid.
  • Linux version of standalone backup extraction tool fails to restore v7 backups with the following error: “Declared number of bank pages (XXXXX) is exceed limit (1024)”.
  • Network throttling rules are not applied if the “Use multiple upload streams option” is disabled.
  • Under certain circumstances, the reported processing rate may be much lower than actual with parallel processing enabled.
  • Added ability to manually configure more than 100 ports to be used for data movers. This may be needed when running more than 100 jobs concurrently.
  • Deleted VM retention option is now disabled by default for the newly created jobs, and its logic has been enhanced to better handle job failures.


  • Jobs fail to remove VM snapshots if vCenter server is added to Managed Servers in B&R user interface both as a Windows server, and as a vCenter server.
  • Replication jobs do not use multiple upload streams for the first processed disk of each VM. This leads to either reduced performance, or network throttling rules not applying during processing of the first disk.
  • Maximum concurrent snapshot removal settings are ignored, limiting VM snapshot removal to one at a time within a job with parallel processing enabled.
  • The source VM snapshot is now first to be removed during in replication jobs. This helps to reduce the time VM runs off snapshot.
  • Powered on source VMs are now shut down automatically to streamline self-service full VM restores.


  • Instant VM Recovery fails when dynamic VHD disk size is not a multiple of 256 MB. Such disks cannot be created with Hyper-V management tools, but can appear as a result of P2V/V2V conversion, or produced by 3rd party tools.
  • Instant VM Recovery fails when target Hyper-V host’s storage uses native 4KB sector size disks.
  • Under certain circumstances, Instant VM Recovery may fail with the following error: “CVeeamFCTRegionDynamicVHD::RequestProcess: Failed to read needed portion of data, Details: IDriverRequest::DataSet: Too much data”
  • Adding a new virtual disk to the original VM makes the created, and the following replica restore point for the given virtual disk invalid.
  • Changing virtual disk exclusion settings on the existing replication job makes failover fail with the “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.
  • Failure to rescan any host also fails the remaining hosts rescan with the following error: “Failed to execute WMI Query”
  • Restoring VHDX into the root of CSV folder makes the restored VM fail to start with the following error: “General access denied error”
  • SureBackup testing of VMs with SCVMM-specific network settings may fail with the following error: “Failed to import virtual machine VMNAME configuration”
  • Application-aware processing for guest OS without Microsoft VSS support is now skipped automatically regardless of the job’s settings.

Application-aware processing

  • Backing up all Active Directory domain controllers at the same time (which is something parallel processing made possible to achieve) may lead to DFS-R SYSVOL replication failures.
  • Changed Microsoft SharePoint farm topology collection failure event from warning to informational.

Backup Copy

  • Multiple enhancements to Backup Copy job’s email notifications and statistics.
  • Added ability to disable creating weekly full backups for GFS (Grandfather-Father-Son) retention policy.

Guest indexing

  • Temporary files produced by guest file system indexing process are not correctly removed from AppData\Local\Temp.

HP Storage Snapshots Integration

  • Initiating Active Full backup on the job with existing backups renders the created and the following backups in the backup chain unrecoverable.
  • Incremental replication runs fail with the “The method or operation is not implemented” error.
  • VM snapshots should now be created concurrently in scenarios when the job setup allows to backup multiple VMs from the same LUN. This decreases the time VMs will run off snapshot, and improves overall job performance.


  • Under certain circumstances, parsing route.exe output may fail. As a result, virtual lab creation process and SureBackup jobs may “hang” indefinitely.


  • Changer alerts may be incorrectly interpreted as drive alerts.
  • Tape drives appear online even when the corresponding tape library is offline.
  • When the “Continue media set” option is enabled, but the last tape is offline, the job fails with the following error: “Error Tape not exchanged”.
  • Restoring VM from tape fails with the “The directory name is invalid” error if the source VM backup job’s name contains invalid NTFS symbols (\|/*:?<>).
  • Eject media once the job finishes” option now applies to both full and incremental job runs.
  • Added support for ejecting media once the job finishes to standalone drives. Previously, attempting to use this option with standalone drives resulted in the “Automated library not found” error.
  • Tape job email report now includes barcodes and names of all tapes that were used in the corresponding job session.

User interface

  • Deleting a single imported backup that is located in the root folder of the backup repository deletes the whole repository instead.
  • Improved Microsoft Exchange server autodiscovery logic in restore to original location wizard of Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange.
  • Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SharePoint crashes when desktop background changes (such as when switching to the new RDP session).


  • PuTTY has been updated to the more recent version for security reasons.
  • Configuration backup fails with the “Value cannot be null” error if SMTP credentials in the email notification settings are not specified.

To obtain the patch please download it from: Download

Upgrading VMware vCenter Appliance 5.x to 5.5

Last week VMware vSphere 5.5 went GA, so it is time to update the home lab to the latest version. I am using the VMware vCenter Appliance (VCSA), and it is the latest version. I never did an upgrade of the VCSA so I start searching the knowledgebase of VMware and found an article describing the upgrade process (VMware KB2058441).

  • Before attempting the upgrade, if you are using custom SSL certificates, ensure that they meet the requirements as per Configuring Certificate Authority (CA) signed certificates for vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 (2057223).
  • Ensure that you have taken a backup/snapshot of your existing vCenter Server Appliance and the external database.


  1. Deploy the new VMware vCenter Appliance.
  2. Connect to both the old and new appliances in separate browser windows. For example, use a URL similar to https://ip_address_of_vCenter_VM:5480
  3. In the new appliance, start the vCenter Server Setup wizard and accept the end user license agreement.
  4. In the Configure Options panel, select Upgrade from previous version and then click Next.
  5. Copy the key from the Import this key into the source appliance field.
  6. If you are upgrading vCenter Server Appliance 5.0.x to 5.5:
    • In the old vCenter Server Appliance 5.0, click the Appliance Upgrade tab.
    • Select source for the appliance role and click Set role.
    • Click Establish Trust.
    • Paste the local appliance key into the Remote appliance key field.
    • Click Import remote key.
    • Copy the local appliance key.
    • In the new vCenter Server Appliance 5.5, paste the local appliance key into the Remote appliance key field and click Next.
  7. If you are upgrading vCenter Server Appliance 5.1 to 5.5:
    • In the old vCenter Server Appliance 5.1, paste the key from Step 5 into the Upgrade key field.
    • Click Import key.
    • Stop vCenter Server.
    • Copy the Upgrade key.
    • In the new appliance, paste the Upgrade key to the Paste the source appliance key into the field below field and click Next.
    • If there are issues detected with your SSL certificates, select the Replace the SSL certificates option. You are prompted for SSO password for user administrator@vsphere.local.

This looks pretty easy. First I deployed a new VCSA with a new name (VCSA 5.5), configured the IP settings, different than my original VCSA (VCSA 5.1). After the OVF deployment I started the VCSA and went to the management page. I accepted the EULA on my new VCSA 5.5.
Continue reading

Free NFR License for Veeam Backup Management Suite

Veeam is giving away FREE 180-day NFR licenses for 2 sockets of Veeam® Backup Management Suite™ for VMware or Hyper-V for your home or work lab. Yes!!!
Veeam Backup Management Suite is built from Veeam Backup & Replication™ to deliver the data protection, visibility and control you need for your VMware or Hyper-V environment.

By leveraging the capabilities and benefits of virtualization, Veeam Backup Management Suite helps organizations modernize their data protection strategy and mitigate daily management risks.

Get a FREE NFR license for your lab to see the benefits of Veeam Backup Management Suite for yourself:

  • Complete visibility of your backup and virtual infrastructures
  • Advanced monitoring of backup jobs and resources
  • At-a-glance reporting and detailed documentation of backup status, performance, availability, utilization and more!

Link to the NFR request page.

And by returning a favor for this great gift, fill in the form at:

VMworld 2013 Sessions

If you, same as me, couldn’t go to VMworld 2013 and missed all the great sessions and presentations!! Hold your horses then, VMware put some sessions online in there Youtube Channel VMworld. These sessions are publicly available so you can watch them if you missed them or watch them again because they were awesome!

This is the publicly available collection. You could also see older sessions on the VMworld website.

VMworld 2013: General Session – Tuesday, August 27th

VMworld 2013: Session STO5715-S – The Next Phase in the Evolution of Enterprise Storage

Server virtualization transformed compute freeing up apps from infrastructure and delivering tremendous cost savings and flexibility. Storage hasn’t caught up yet, but things are rapidly changing. The emergence of software-defined storage as a new architectural and management approach promises to bring the next level of efficiency to storage. In the session we will review what VMware’s vision for software-defined storage is, the trends that’s leading to and key benefits.

Video Link.

VMworld 2013: Session VAPP4679 – Software-Defined Datacenter Design Panel

Designing and architecting an environment that will host many Monster VM’s requires a different approach and different considerations to smaller VM’s to ensure you get the best benefits from the platform. Mostafa Khalil (VCDX-002), Andrew Mitchell (VCDX-030), Mark Achtemichuk (VCDX-050) and Michael Webster (VCDX-066) will lead a panel discussion on the design and architecture best practices and design guidance that applies when you are virtualizing many high utilization, high performance Monster VM’s. The panel will answer your questions on topics such as host and cluster design and sizing, VM sizing, performance tuning, CPU scheduling, memory management, resource management, storage design and much more. Avoid the common traps that could derail your Monster VM virtualization project.

Video Link.

VMworld 2013: Session VSVC4944 – PowerCLI Best Practices: A Deep Dive

In previous years Alan and Luc showed you some of their best practices and how to take PowerCLI one step further. This year they will dive deeper and show you some best practices you didn’t see coming. – The Software Defined Datacenter – Taking on the MOB and winning – From vSwitch to vDS – Pimp your performance graphs – Common and Cool Community Questions.

Video Link.

VMworld 2013: Session VCM7369-S – Uncovering the Hidden Truth in Log Data

Gigabytes and even terabytes of log data are generated everyday representing an untapped source of insight to help you identify and resolve problems. What if you could aggregate, index, and identify patterns across network, storage, compute, and applications to improve your service levels? VMware’s new offering, vCenter Log Insight, can help you make sense of your unstructured data and improve availability and performance of physical, virtual and cloud environments. Join us to learn about VMware’s newest offering, hear from a successful Log Insight customer, and learn:

  • How operations management can benefit from unstructured log data
  • Overview of VMware vCenter Log Insight functionality
  • Integrations and use cases with vCenter Operations Management Suite
  • Step-by-step demonstration of problem resolution using Log Insight
  • Behind the scenes with an early adopter customer If you would like to use your existing log data to accelerate troubleshooting and reduce downtime, don’t miss this session and discover how VMware Log Insight can help boost your service levels.

Video Link.

VMworld 2013: Session SEC5893 – Changing the Economics of Firewall Services

Think of the number of physical firewalls you have in your environments today. Think about its aggregated capacity. We will show you how the NSX Distributed Firewall can provide a significantly higher firewall capacity at a fraction of the CAPEX that you currently incur, using a full scale out model. We will show a true “capacity on demand” model for firewall service, enabling you to save enormous OPEX that you currently incur to pre plan, procure, provision your firewalls. We will show you get higher visibility, reduce latency, minimize network traffic and get better overall agility. We will have a customer present the benefits and value they have realized. We will walk through DMZ segmentation methods, to highlight challenges with traditional approaches and highlight benefits of the new VMware recommended approach.

Video Link.

VMworld2013: Session PHC5605-S – Everything You Want to Know About vCloud Hybrid Service

This is a spotlight session designed by you, for you. Over weeks of social media activities we solicited your content input to design a session dedicated to answering the toughest of your vCloud Hybrid Service questions. Mathew Lodge, Vice President of VMware vCloud Hybrid Service Business Unit, will take your questions directly to Christopher Rence, CIO of Digital River, one of VMware premier Early Access Program customers to understand the challenges they faced, resolution and impact of vCloud Hybrid Service on their business. Mathew will also provide a demonstration of how moving a workload from an existing environment to vCloud Hybrid Service is as easy as 1-2-3. During the session, Attendees will receive answers to their most challenging questions, view a live demonstration and learn how to make the most out of their week at VMworld.

Video Link.

VMworld 2013: Session OPT5194 – Moving Enterprise Application Dev/Test to VMware’s Internal Cloud

The VMware IT team responsible for managing enterprise applications is moving all dev/test environments to our private cloud IaaS. We have achieved impressive cycle time and cost reduction. This session is presented by VMware Director of IT responsible for the operations transformation aspects of using an internal IaaS private cloud for critical SDLC efforts. To improve agility, SDLC throughput, and reduce costs, we have automated deployment of more than a dozen standard dev/test instances including provisioning and testing combinations of dozens of different application and middleware components. In this session, we will highlight the Operations changes we made in the areas of roles, processes, organization structure, governance and business model used to fund IT operations. We are more than half way through our operations transformation. Attend this session to hear lessons learned, and gain insights from an expert with both product and operations expertise.

Video Link.

VMworld 2013: Session NET5847- NSX: Introducing the World to VMware NSX

This session will focus on introducing NSX. It will detail the product and its components, the key use cases, partner integrations and pricing and packaging.

Video Link.

VMworld 2013: Session EUC7370-S – The Software-Defined Data Center Meets End User Computer

Today, VMware’s software defined architecture is transforming the data center into a dynamic cloud environment that can be built around a private cloud infrastructure with VMware vCloud Suite or a public or hybrid cloud service with VMware vCloud Hybrid Service. But how does VMware’s End User Computing Platform fit into all of this? Join this session with our CTO and other guest speakers as we demo and discuss how are leveraging VMware’s software-defined data center to deliver end user computing workloads including desktops as a service. We’ll look at how VMware plans to automate and manage your infrastructure and desktops and additionally explore how you can deliver policy entitled access to VMware’s next-generation virtual workspace including applications, desktops and data.

Video Link.

VMworld 2013: Session BCO5129 – Protection for All: vSphere Replication & SRM Technical Update

In this session you will hear about the latest updates to the vSphere Replication and SRM technologies from VMware. Majority of this session will cover how and where you can use these technologies for a variety of use cases. Whether you have a collection of small sites managed by a single vCenter or two large sites managed by their own vCenters there is a solution for you. In this session we will explain the implementation options, how they work and how you can use them in the various combinations to achieve the level of workload protection you need. If you have any questions about how vSphere Replication works, how SRM works, what your options are with array replication, how you can protect small/medium or large sites this is the session for you.

Video Link.