Veeam released Patch 1 for Veeam Backup & Replication v7.

Veeam has released Patch 1 for Veeam Backup & Replication v7.

Mind this is NOT a patch to make Version 7 compatible with VMware vSphere 5.5! vSphere 5.5 is not yet supported by Veeam Backup & Replication v7.

For more information see Veeam KB1823.

So what is fixed in this patch.


  • Under certain circumstances, backup to CIFS target may fail with the following errors: “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process”, “Failed to create or open file \\server\share\file.vbk“.
  • In reversed incremental backup mode, retrying previously failed backup of newly added virtual disk makes the created, and the following restore points for this virtual disk invalid.
  • Linux version of standalone backup extraction tool fails to restore v7 backups with the following error: “Declared number of bank pages (XXXXX) is exceed limit (1024)”.
  • Network throttling rules are not applied if the “Use multiple upload streams option” is disabled.
  • Under certain circumstances, the reported processing rate may be much lower than actual with parallel processing enabled.
  • Added ability to manually configure more than 100 ports to be used for data movers. This may be needed when running more than 100 jobs concurrently.
  • Deleted VM retention option is now disabled by default for the newly created jobs, and its logic has been enhanced to better handle job failures.


  • Jobs fail to remove VM snapshots if vCenter server is added to Managed Servers in B&R user interface both as a Windows server, and as a vCenter server.
  • Replication jobs do not use multiple upload streams for the first processed disk of each VM. This leads to either reduced performance, or network throttling rules not applying during processing of the first disk.
  • Maximum concurrent snapshot removal settings are ignored, limiting VM snapshot removal to one at a time within a job with parallel processing enabled.
  • The source VM snapshot is now first to be removed during in replication jobs. This helps to reduce the time VM runs off snapshot.
  • Powered on source VMs are now shut down automatically to streamline self-service full VM restores.


  • Instant VM Recovery fails when dynamic VHD disk size is not a multiple of 256 MB. Such disks cannot be created with Hyper-V management tools, but can appear as a result of P2V/V2V conversion, or produced by 3rd party tools.
  • Instant VM Recovery fails when target Hyper-V host’s storage uses native 4KB sector size disks.
  • Under certain circumstances, Instant VM Recovery may fail with the following error: “CVeeamFCTRegionDynamicVHD::RequestProcess: Failed to read needed portion of data, Details: IDriverRequest::DataSet: Too much data”
  • Adding a new virtual disk to the original VM makes the created, and the following replica restore point for the given virtual disk invalid.
  • Changing virtual disk exclusion settings on the existing replication job makes failover fail with the “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.
  • Failure to rescan any host also fails the remaining hosts rescan with the following error: “Failed to execute WMI Query”
  • Restoring VHDX into the root of CSV folder makes the restored VM fail to start with the following error: “General access denied error”
  • SureBackup testing of VMs with SCVMM-specific network settings may fail with the following error: “Failed to import virtual machine VMNAME configuration”
  • Application-aware processing for guest OS without Microsoft VSS support is now skipped automatically regardless of the job’s settings.

Application-aware processing

  • Backing up all Active Directory domain controllers at the same time (which is something parallel processing made possible to achieve) may lead to DFS-R SYSVOL replication failures.
  • Changed Microsoft SharePoint farm topology collection failure event from warning to informational.

Backup Copy

  • Multiple enhancements to Backup Copy job’s email notifications and statistics.
  • Added ability to disable creating weekly full backups for GFS (Grandfather-Father-Son) retention policy.

Guest indexing

  • Temporary files produced by guest file system indexing process are not correctly removed from AppData\Local\Temp.

HP Storage Snapshots Integration

  • Initiating Active Full backup on the job with existing backups renders the created and the following backups in the backup chain unrecoverable.
  • Incremental replication runs fail with the “The method or operation is not implemented” error.
  • VM snapshots should now be created concurrently in scenarios when the job setup allows to backup multiple VMs from the same LUN. This decreases the time VMs will run off snapshot, and improves overall job performance.


  • Under certain circumstances, parsing route.exe output may fail. As a result, virtual lab creation process and SureBackup jobs may “hang” indefinitely.


  • Changer alerts may be incorrectly interpreted as drive alerts.
  • Tape drives appear online even when the corresponding tape library is offline.
  • When the “Continue media set” option is enabled, but the last tape is offline, the job fails with the following error: “Error Tape not exchanged”.
  • Restoring VM from tape fails with the “The directory name is invalid” error if the source VM backup job’s name contains invalid NTFS symbols (\|/*:?<>).
  • Eject media once the job finishes” option now applies to both full and incremental job runs.
  • Added support for ejecting media once the job finishes to standalone drives. Previously, attempting to use this option with standalone drives resulted in the “Automated library not found” error.
  • Tape job email report now includes barcodes and names of all tapes that were used in the corresponding job session.

User interface

  • Deleting a single imported backup that is located in the root folder of the backup repository deletes the whole repository instead.
  • Improved Microsoft Exchange server autodiscovery logic in restore to original location wizard of Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange.
  • Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SharePoint crashes when desktop background changes (such as when switching to the new RDP session).


  • PuTTY has been updated to the more recent version for security reasons.
  • Configuration backup fails with the “Value cannot be null” error if SMTP credentials in the email notification settings are not specified.

To obtain the patch please download it from: Download

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